Today we take a closer look at the remainder of the Pirates depth at first base, including those who aren't yet but may eventually be in the Pirates' system.
벅스 1루 자원을 살펴보도록 하자. 물론 이 명단은 아직 벅스 조직이 없는 선수일지라도....
Jason Delaney
Originally drafted by the Pirates in the 12th round of the 2005 draft, Delaney has split his time in the organization between first base and the corner outfield positions over the past three-plus seasons.
05년 벅스 12라운드로 지명된 제이슨 딜레이니(Jason Delaney)는 벅스조직에서 1루수와 코너 외야수를 왔다갔다했다.
After a poor showing during his short stint in Williamsport, Delaney spent '06 putting up a very respectable .300/.379/.432 line at Hickory that was low on power but not excessively low for a player who wasn't really known as a heavy-hitter. He complemented that with a respectable 79:56 K:BB ratio that reflected the strong plate discipline he had shown in college.
05시즌 윌리엄즈포트(Williamsport)에서 대삽질을 기록한 후 06시즌 상위 싱글 A에서는 300/379/432의 좋은 모습을 보여주었다. 파워면에서는 부족하지만 좋은 K/BB 비율(79/56)을 보여주었다.
He followed that up with a strong start to '07, posting a .340/.432/.536 line at Lynchburg in the first half of the season, but then fell off badly to the tune of .265/.370/.404 upon being promoted to Altoona. He did, however, put up the same 52:38 K:BB ration for the Curve as he did in Lynchburg in only 27 fewer AB's, a definite positive to carry forward.
07시즌 전반기를 린츠버그에서 340/432/536의 좋은 모습으로 후반기 앨투나로 승격했지만, 265/370/404의 모습으로 실망을 안겨주었다. 하지만, 그는 전반기보다 27타석이나 적게 들어선 후반기였지만, K/BB 비율은 52/38로 동일했으며 이건 확실히 좋은 징조다.
He began last season repeating Altoona and appeared to have learned from his mistakes, posting a .294/.405/.425 line and a nearly 1:1 ratio while spending most of the season there, but again fell off while spending the last month of the season at AAA.
08시즌 다시 앨투나에서 시즌을 시작했지만, 자신의 보완점을 수정해가면서 294/405/425와 K/BB 비율이 거의 1:1에 육박하는 모습을 보여주었지만, 인디에나폴리스로 승격해서는 그 비율이 다시 낮아졌다.
Delaney, who turned 26 in November, has shown ability and isn't ridiculously old, so I would still wager that there is room for him to become a useful, maybe even productive major leaguer - as long as you aren't expecting a power hitter. Judging by their numbers comparison, not unlike a poor man's Adrian Gonzalez.
11월에 26살이 된 딜레이니는 아직 그렇게 많은 나이가 아니다. 그래서 나는 과감하게 그가 미래에 좋은 모습을 보일거라고 장담할 수 있다. 그의 장타력은 빼고 말이다. 대충 비교해서 파워가 없는 아드리안 곤잘레즈(Adrian Gonzalez) 정도로 생각할 수 있을 겁니다.
Calvin Anderson
Anderson was the 12th round pick in this summer's draft, and the most glaring landmark to this young man's career is that he is an absolute behemoth. Standing at 6'7" and 240 lbs., it's hard to argue against Anderson fitting the power hitter mold. In three seasons at Southern A&M University, Anderson posted a .349/.450/.590 line and a 81:42 K:BB ratio in 330 AB's.
앤더슨은 올해 12라운드에 픽업되었고, 확실히 이 녀석은 물건이다.
Those numbers make Anderson's Pirate debut - a .265/.337/.453 line at short-season State College - seem like a bust, but the power numbers and strikeout totals look a lot like a player who either wore down a bit or started pressing - some proof of which might lie in his nearly identical .293/.887 and .293/.898 numbers in June and August that sandwiched a July swoon.
앤더슨은 바로 숏시즌 스테이츠 칼리지로 보내져 265/337/453의 성적을 찍었지만, 삼진이 좀 많은게 흠이다.(170타석에서 57개)
그는 올시즌 6월과 8월에 각각 293(AVG)/887(OPS), 293/898을 찍어냈지만, 7월에 대삽질을 했다.(239/330/364)
Anderson may only become the next Brad Eldred if he doesn't reign in his plate discipline, but he's young enough (22 in May) that there's still reason to be hopeful. Besides, he's fricking huge!
앤더슨은 이런 식의 성적을 계속 찍어낸다면 제 2의 브래드 엘드레드(Brad Eldred)가 될 수 있다. 하지만, 그는 아직 어리고, he's fricking huge.
주 : Fricking이 뭔지 모르겠네요. 사전을 찾아도 없고...
Pedro Alvarez
Do I really need to remind you when this guy was drafted? Of course not. We are all well aware of his impressive pedigree and his power potential, but we also know he was drafted as a third baseman. There have been inklings of rumors that Alvarez's body may eventually grow into a first-baseman role, a la Albert Pujols, Lance Berkman or Mark Teixeira. There's also still the possibility that Andy LaRoche reaches the .295 AVG, .900 OPS potential he showed
throughout his minor league career, and that by the time Alvarez reaches Pittsburgh moving him across the diamond might be necessary. That's a ways away, but it's certainly not an alien-abduction level shot in the dark.
우리는 알바레스가 좋은 혈통과 좋은 배트가 있으며, 그는 트레프트 될때 3루수였다는걸 알고 있다. 그리고 알려지지 않은 루머에 따르면 다저스에서 데려온 앤디 라로쉬(Andy LaRoche)가 그의 포텐셜을 터트려 준다면, 알바레스는 결국 1루수에 정착하게 될것이다.
Dustin Ackley
As we all know, the Pirates once again have a top-five draft pick this season - No. 4 to be exact. Ackley is a 1B (slash future OF?) that everyone is absolutely raving about, even referred to - like Avarez - as the best pure hitter in the upcoming draft. He is now dueling with Grant Green, the SS out of USC, for the title of best collegiate hitter in the draft. The Pirates may well take a pitcher this year in the first round, but two of the three teams picking ahead of them either have a 1B in the system (Chris Marrero with the Nats) or aren't showing a glaring need for one (Adrian Gonzalez with the Pads), so the Pirates just might find themselves again having the chance to pick between a really great CIF hitter and a really great MIF hitter.
우리모두 알고 있듯이, 벅스는 다시 한번 탑 5 드레프트를 뽑을 권리를 가졌다. 엑클리는 1루수이며 그의 파워는 대단하다. 내년 6월에 있을 드레프트에서 벅스는 투수를 뽑을 거 같지만, 벅스 앞에 3팀중에 2팀(네츠와 파즈)은 이미 1루자원이 있기때문에 벅스에게 기회(1루수를 뽑을 기회)가 찾아올 것이다.
주 : CIF와 MIF가 뭔지 모르겠네요.
Drafting Ackley could likely hinge on whether the team is convinced of either LaRoche or Alvarez's development predicating a move, which is still very up in the air, but it's a definite option to consider. Also, even if management
does think that Alvarez would need to move eventually, having two top-flight first basemen in your system is what some would refer to as a "happy problem."
벅스는 앤디 라로쉬나 페드로 알바레스 둘 중 한 명을 컨버전하느냐에 따라 엑클리는 뽑을 것이다. 그리고 알바레스가 1루수로 컨버전하고, 엑클리를 뽑는다면 벅스는 행복한 고민을 시작할 것이다.