헌팅턴은 미래보다는 현재를 우선시하며 루키 릴리퍼인 제시 차베스(Jesse Chavez)를 보내고 베테랑 인필더 아키노리 이와무라(Akinori Iwamura)를 템파에서 데려왔습니다.
Yes, a veteran for a rookie.
A player making close to $5 million for one making less than a tenth of that.
A pending free agent for someone whose rights can be controlled five more years.
Not exactly the blueprint this management team had been following.
"Our goal for 2010 is to be a better team," Huntington said. "We've made a lot out of having years of control, and our hope is that this is more than a one-year fit for us and for Akinori. But our expectation in 2010 is to play better baseball and to win more games, and we felt like this was an opportunity for us to begin to turn the corner, to move in a positive direction not just below the major league level but at the top level, as well."
더 좋은 팀이 되기위해 그리했다면서 연장계약을 암시하는 말을 하네요.
The immediate fallout :
• The Pirates, as part of the trade, exercised Iwamura's 2010 club option worth $4.85 million, immediately making him their highest-paid player. Starter Paul Maholm will make $4.5 million. After next season, Iwamura can become a free agent.
• Iwamura will be the everyday second baseman, and Ronny Cedeno will stay at shortstop. Management had hoped to upgrade one position or the other.
• Although this will be up to manager John Russell, the Pirates already have discussed batting Iwamura No. 2 in the lineup behind Andrew McCutchen.
• Delwyn Young, who had been tried at second base much of this past season, will return to a bench role.
• Third baseman Andy LaRoche, who just spent a month in the Florida Instructional League learning second base, will remain at third.
일단 벅스로 오는 이와무라를 옵션실행한다면 4.85M으로 폴 마홈을 제치고 벅스 최고 연봉자가 되며, 미드시즌에 데려온 로니 세데뇨와 함께 인필드 콤비를 이룰 것이라고 하는군요. 내년 시즌이 막상 닥쳐야 결정할 사항이지만, 일단은 앤드류 멕커첸에 이어 2번타자가 될 전망이며, 2루수로 시즌끝까지 활동했던 델윈 영의 경우는 다시 대타의 자리로 돌아가며, 플로리다 교육리그에서 2루수 수업을 받았던 앤디 라로쉬는 다시 3루로 돌아간다는군요.
Iwamura, who will turn 31 in February, has a .281 career average since arriving in North America to play for Tampa Bay in 2007. He is coming off a season in which he lost 81 games to surgery on his left knee, but he returned in late August -- much earlier than expectations -- and finished with a .290 average, one home run, 16 doubles, two triples and nine steals in 10 attempts over 69 games.
No less important to the Pirates, he has good patience at the plate -- a career .354 on-base percentage underscores that -- and is a very good defender. While in Japan, he won six Gold Gloves.
내년 2월에 31살이 되는 이와무라는 미국의 3년동안 .281의 타격과 .354의 출루율을 기록하면 타석에서의 침착성도 보였으며 일본에서 골드 글러브에 선정될만큼 수비도 좋은 2루수라고 합니다. 일단 올시즌 중반 무릎을 다쳐 수술했지만, 예상보다 빠른 8월말에 돌아왔습니다.
"This is a solid major league player," Huntington said. "He does a lot of things well, and we've liked him for a long time."
Iwamura had been accustomed to winning, having played only for Tampa Bay in North America and having led the Rays with 172 hits and 91 runs during their run to the American League pennant last year. But he sounded genuinely upbeat about the trade.
"I'm very excited for the new challenge," Iwamura said by phone from Japan, with agent Yoshi Hasagawa translating. "I spoke to Neal Huntington, and I feel very appreciated."
이와무라는 전화통화로 새로운 도전(트레이드)에 흥분했다면서 헌팅턴 단장에게 (옵션실행에 대해) 감사드린다네요.
Tampa Bay had been under pressure to move Iwamura because his contract required that his 2010 club option gets exercised or declined within one day after the end of the World Series, which could end tonight in New York. The Rays were not planning to exercise the option and would have paid the $550,000 buyout if no suitor was found.
템파베이는 WS가 끝난 후 하루만에 이와무라의 옵션실행에 관한 결정을 내려야했기때문에 압박을 받았지만, 트레이드에 성공하며 지급해야할 바이아웃비용까지 처분하게 되었습니다.
5월말에 지역라이벌인 플로리다 말린스와의 원정경기에서 무릎을 다쳤는데, 당시에 크리스 콜란(Chris Coghlan)이 비매너 & 무개념 플레이를 했죠. 하지만 시즌이 끝나기 6주전에 돌아왔다네요.
The Pirates' scouts saw Iwamura three times in September, and his running time and range were "as good as pre-injury," Huntington said. He was wearing a large brace, though, and it remains to be seen how long he will need it.
일단 그 점때문에 벅스의 스카우터들이 이와무라의 움직임에대해 9월에 3번이나 관찰을 했다고 합니다. 하지만 헌팅턴이 보고받은바에 의하면 부상이전의 몸놀림으로 돌아왔다고 하는군요.
"It feels very good, but not 100 percent," Iwamura said of the knee. "I think I already proved I can play at a high level, and I think I can play just like I did in the World Series. I'll be 100 percent for next year."
본인은 완벽한 100%의 몸은 아니지만, 높은 레벨에서 플레이함으로써 자신의 건강함을 증명했으며 내년에는 100%의 몸상태로 준비될 수 있다고 하네요.
Chavez, 26, was coming off a strong rookie year in which his 96-mph fastball helped him to a 4.01 ERA, 47 strikeouts and 22 walks in 73 appearances. Russell grew increasingly comfortable using him in late innings, and he would have become a candidate to close next year if Matt Capps faltered.
Chavez cannot become eligible for free agency until after the 2014 season.
이와무라의 트레이드 상대였던 제시 차베스는 최고 96마일을 던지는 릴리프로써 경기후반에 많이 사용되었던 투수입니다. 동점상황에서의 ERA(3.20)가 가장 좋더군요.
"We talked about that at length," Huntington said. "It was tough to give up Jesse, but the bullpen is the most difficult area to predict future performance. In our minds, it was much more difficult to find 600 quality plate appearances than 60 appearances. This is not about Jesse but about all relievers: It's very hard to tell what they're going to do from one year to the next, as we've all seen."
분명 제시를 보내는것은 힘든 선택이었지만, 60경기에 등판한 선수보다는 600타석에 들어선 선수를 결정했습니다. 그리고 릴리프는 가장 예측이 힘든 동물이라고 하네요. 저도 이런 점때문에 릴리프에 대해 그닥 신뢰하지 않습니다.....물론 마무리 투수는 (조금은) 제외해야겠죠.
There is another variable: The Pirates could sign Iwamura to an extension, and Huntington strongly suggested they will broach the subject.
"Hopefully, the fans of Pittsburgh make him welcome and wanted and pique his interest in having this be more than one year," Huntington said. "But that's down the road."
"I'm definitely interested in the long term, but I first have to do what I can do," Iwamura said. "We'll see what happens. Hopefully, we can go to the playoffs next season."
Huntington praised Young for his extensive work in trying to show management he could handle second base defensively, but it was clear that Young's best was not enough.
"This returns DY to a role he's excelled at," Huntington said. "And, certainly, he'll be much improved at second base for all the work he put in."
Young batted .266 after a brutal slump to finish his season, but he was a .316 pinch-hitter with a team-high 12 hits.
LaRoche will play third base at least until top prospect Pedro Alvarez is ready for a promotion.
이 트레이드로 인해 벌어질 일들에 대해 깔끔하게 정리해줬습니다. 일단 영의 경우는 다시 대타의 보직으로 돌아간다고 합니다. 시즌 막판 장기 슬럼프가 아무래도 레귤러로 뛰기에는 부족하지 않나 하는 판단을 프론트에서 한거 같습니다.
라로쉬의 경우는 내년 중반(혹은 9월) 페드로 알바레스가 콜업되기 전까지 3루를 보게 될거라고 하는군요.
From there ...
"We have one third baseman at the major league level, and that's Andy," Huntington said. "If Aki is not here after next year, and Pedro comes up, Andy could move over to second. If Aki stays, we'll deal with everything as it happens."
For Chavez, the move to Tampa Bay represents a quantum leap in the standings.
"I know the Rays have a lot of talent and, to be honest, I'm kind of antsy already," he said. "This wasn't what I expected, obviously. I don't think anyone did. But, for a team like that to want me, it's cool."
트레이드된 산체스는 솔직히 유망주가 득실거리는 곳으로 가게되어서 두렵다고 하는군요. 예상밖의 경과라면서....일단은 결정난 것이니만큼 받아들이겠다네요. 지가 어쩌겠습니까...ㅋ
The Pirates' 40-man roster remained at 39.