벅스가 새러소타에 있는 상위 싱글 A팀을 구매해서 브랜던턴으로 옮길려고 움직이고 있다고 하는군요. 현재 새러소타는 신시네티의 마이너팀이 있는 곳입니다. 해서 레즈가 현 벅스의 상위 싱글 A팀인 린츠버그로 옮기면 문제는 쉽게 해결될 것이라고 하네요.
"We are very close to finalizing the purchase of the Florida State League team located in Sarasota and moving the team to Bradenton where the club would play its home games at McKechnie Field. We will not be able to make a formal announcement of the purchase and move to Bradenton until the Florida State League votes on the proposed transaction at its meetings in two weeks.
"We are extremely excited about the prospect of bringing a High-A Club to Bradenton. Neal Huntington, our General Manager, and Kyle Stark, our Director of Player Development, requested that we consider the purchase in order to further enhance our development of minor league players by having our High-A team work in Bradenton where members of our development staff spend much of their time and where, thanks to our great partnership with the city of Bradenton, we have such outstanding facilities. Our Chairman, Bob Nutting, immediately embraced the project and approved this latest investment in our core baseball operations structure.
"If completed, the move will allow us to take even greater advantage of McKechnie Field and our new Pirate City facilities. In addition to the benefits to our minor league players and our development staff, the move of our High-A team to Bradenton would allow us to have rehabbing Major League players begin their return to work in Bradenton where we have our rehab coordinator and rehab facilities.
이런 움직임이 왜 일어났냐 하면 피츠버그의 스프링 캠프가 열리는 곳이 브랜던턴이며 신시네티 레즈의 마이너팀이 있는 새러소타와 아주 가깝다고 합니다. 해서 그 팀을 인수하면 나중에 빅리그 선수들의 리헵이나 브렌던턴의 시설 사용에 아주 용이하다고 하는군요. 아무래도 이곳저곳 이동하는 거리를 줄이고, 컴플렉스(Complex)로 만든다면 아주 편리하면서도 용이하겠죠.
여름에 맥케츠니(McKechnie)에서 70경기만 하고 말것을 이런 팀간 트레이드가 성사되면 브렌던턴은 1년 내내 야구를 할 수 있는 곳이 되어서 도시에서도 수익이 창출되기 때문에 환영한다는군요.
"While the benefits to the Pirates and our partner, the City of Bradenton, were compelling, we will be sad to leave the Lynchburg Hillcats with whom we have had a tremendously productive relationship for the last 15 years. President Calvin Falwell, General Manager Paul Sunwall and Assistant General Manager Ronnie Roberts are dedicated baseball men and the Lynchburg community is a great baseball town that has welcomed our players, coaches and staff into its community with open arms."
15년동안 린츠버그와 함께했던 벅스는 린츠버그 관계자와 시민들에게 감사드린다는....의례적인 맨트