MLB & Pirates

Pirates mailbag

akira8190 2008. 10. 24. 11:13

By Jenifer Langosch

What is the deal with Freddy Sanchez? Is he going to be healthy at the start of next year?
-- David P., Spring Lake, N.C.

Sanchez was bothered all season by pain in his right shoulder, but he is expected to make a full recovery over the offseason. There is no need for any sort of offseason surgery. Almost everyone seems to believe that rest is all that is needed for Sanchez to get back to 100 percent strength in his shoulder, and that's just something he wasn't able to get during the season. He should be ready for all activities at the start of Spring Training.

Realistically, how do you see the starting lineup for next year? You can just type in the word "free agent" if you think there might be one at a certain position.
-- Ryan C., Sumter, S.C.

Obviously, much can change in the next six months, but looking at how things stand now, here's my best guess. I would expect a starting outfield consisting of Nate McLouth, Brandon Moss and Nyjer Morgan to start the year. Morgan made quite the impression with the club in September, and I get the sense that the Pirates aren't yet ready to commit to Andrew McCutchen.

I don't expect the right side of the infield to change, so you can pencil in Adam LaRoche and Sanchez there. With the left side of the infield, however, I can't say the same. I'd have to say that chances are better than even that Jack Wilson will be traded over the next few months, leaving a void at short. I'm hesitant to say that if this happens, Brian Bixler or Luis Cruz would be the replacement, because, quite frankly, neither seems ready for the full-time job. If the Pirates do deal Wilson, there would almost certainly be a push to find a capable replacement from outside the organization.

As for third base, management still seems set on Andy LaRoche over Neil Walker. However, the club does need a right-handed power bat, and if there is an opportunity to pick up a solid right-handed-hitting third baseman from either the free-agent pool or trade market, that would seem to make sense. LaRoche didn't perform well enough in '08 to warrant no competition for a starting role.

Ryan Doumit will be the Opening Day starting catcher. And as for the rotation, well, I'll leave that discussion for another day.
중복되는거 같아 같이 올립니다. 일단 제니퍼는 인필드의 오른쪽(1, 2루수)인 라로쉬(형)과 산체스는 변하지 않는 상태에서 내년을 시작할꺼라고 합니다. 물론 산체스가 건강하게 내년 스캠을 준비할거라는 말과 함께...

하지만, 왼쪽라인(유격수, 3루수)에서 잭 윌슨은 트레이드 될거 같다고 하네요. 시즌 중반에 여러 팀들(특히 다저스)로부터 트레이드루머가 있었죠. 내년 연봉이 7.25M이기 때문에 아무래도 재정적으로 벅스 입장에서는 부담스러운 금액임은 확실합니다. 내부의 자원인 Brian Bixler나 Luis Cruz로는 너무 허접하기에, 아마도 외부에서 트레이드로 유격수를 찾을 수도 있다네요. 3루는 라로쉬(동생)와 유망주인 Neil Walker를 활용하겠지만, 솔리드한 우타 3루수를 구하기 위해 FA나 트레이드를 할 수도 있다고 합니다. 분명한건 아직 알바레스가 준비가 안되어 있고, 프로에서 뛰어본적이 없기에 언급을 하지않은거 같습니다.

외야는 Nate McLouth, Brandon Moss, Nyjer Morgan으로 갈 거 라네요. 조직내에 최고의 유망주 중에 한명인 앤드류 맥커첸(Andrew McCutchen)은 아직 준비가 안되어있다고....
이제 21살인가 그러니....조급증 내지 말았음 합니다. 너무 슬림한 체격도 그렇고...

Which Pirates prospects are playing in winter ball, and what teams are they on? I am interested in following them.
-- Dave S., Halifax

This list isn't exhaustive, but here are the highlights of winter ball assignments:

Arizona Fall League: RHP Jared Hughes, C Steve Lerud, RHP Jeff Sues, RHP Derek Hankins, RHP Michael Crotta, INF Shelby Ford, OF Jamie Romak
Hawaiian League:
2B Jim Negrych, SS Brian Friday, 1B Miles Durham, LHP Kyle Bloom, RHP Eric Krebs, RHP Harrison Bishop, RHP Moises Robles
Caribbean Leagues: OF Jose Tabata, RHP Romulo Sanchez, C Carlos Maldonado, INF Luis Rivas, C Raul Chavez, LHP Dave Davidson, RHP John Van Benschoten, RHP Evan Meek, OF Chris Duffy, OF Steve Pearce, RHP Marino Salas, C Robinzon Diaz
윈터리그에서 뛰고있는 벅스네 소속선수들이 누구냐는 질문에....

Sean Burnett has emerged as one of my favorite relievers. How long is he under contract with the Pirates? And what is the likelihood that he will be in the bullpen on Opening Day?
-- Troy J., Pittsburgh

Burnett has about two years of Major League service time, meaning that he is one season away from being arbitration eligible. He'd have three arbitration years before the organization could lose him to free agency. Based on the Pirates' need of another left-handed arm in the bullpen and Burnett's increased success in a later-inning role, yes, I'd expect him to be a part of the bullpen next season.
션 버넷은 내년에 함께 할 가능성이 있냐는 질문에.....아직 메이저리그 서비스타임에서 여유가 있고, 나름 괜찮기에 내년에 쓸꺼라는...개인적으로 좀 처참하던데....구단이 가난하니 대안도 없고...홈타운이 펜실베니아인 바이멀에게 관심을 가져봐도 될듯하지만, 지난 몇년동안 다저스 경기와 다저스를 보아온 저로썬 바이멀은 반대이며, 희소성때문에 비싸기도 합니다. 아마 바이멀에게 찝적일 가능성을 0%

Do you have any information on PirateFest, such as dates and who will be making appearances?
-- Randy H., Tuscola, Ill.

The annual PirateFest will take place from Jan. 23-25 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. The Pirates won't be announcing the '09 participants until closer to that date.
piratefest라고 매년 연초에 David L. Lawrence Convention Center라는 곳에서 열리는 행사를 말하는건데 언제 하는지 일정을 물어보는....ㅡ.ㅡ;; 쓰고 나니 쓰잘때기 없는 질문이군요. 인터넷을 조금만 찾아도 쉽게 알아볼 수 있는 내용을....우리나라도 그렇지만, 귀찮아서 이런 짓하는 사람이 싫다는...

나머지 내용은 전부 쓸모없는 얘기라서 패스 합니다.

가난하고, 미래가 밝은 구단이 아니기에 질문도 많군요.