MLB & Pirates

2010 드레프트 순서

akira8190 2009. 10. 11. 11:11

내년 드레프트 순서입니다. 32번픽과 33번픽 사이에는 셔플픽이 들어갈듯합니다. 해서 실질적으로 32번픽을 뽑는 양키스와 33번픽을 뽑는 네츠 사이에는 많은 선수들이 추가적으로 들어가겠죠. 아마 FA계약이 만료되면 다시 올리겠지만, 현재론 작년 오프시즌에 일어났던 일들(계약을 못해 좋은 선수들이 FA인 상태로 남는다든지 하는거...)이 덜 일어날거 같습니다.

    First Round

  1. Nationals
  2. Pirates
  3. Orioles
  4. Royals
  5. Indians
  6. Diamondbacks
  7. Mets
  8. Astros
  9. Padres
  10. Athletics
  11. Blue Jays
  12. Reds
  13. White Sox
  14. Brewers
  15. Rangers (for failure to sign ‘09 first rounder Matt Purke)
  16. Cubs
  17. Rays
  18. Mariners
  19. Tigers
  20. Braves
  21. Twins
  22. Rangers
  23. Marlins
  24. Giants
  25. Cardinals
  26. Rockies
  27. Phillies
  28. Dodgers
  29. Red Sox
  30. Angels
  31. Rays (for failure to sign ‘09 first rounder LeVon Washington)
  32. Yankees
  33. Second Round

  34. Nationals
  35. Pirates
  36. Orioles
  37. Royals
  38. Indians
  39. Blue Jays (for failure to sign ‘09 sandwich rounder James Paxton)
  40. Diamondbacks
  41. Mets
  42. Astros
  43. Padres
  44. Athletics
  45. Blue Jays
  46. Reds
  47. White Sox
  48. Brewers
  49. Cubs
  50. Rays
  51. Mariners
  52. Tigers
  53. Braves
  54. Twins
  55. Rangers
  56. Marlins
  57. Giants
  58. Cardinals
  59. Rockies
  60. Phillies
  61. Dodgers
  62. Red Sox
  63. Angels
  64. Yankees
  65. Third Round

  66. Nationals
  67. Pirates
  68. Orioles
  69. Royals
  70. Indians
  71. Blue Jays (for failure to sign ‘09 second rounder Jake Eliopoulos)
  72. Diamondbacks
  73. Mets
  74. Astros
  75. Padres
  76. Athletics
  77. Blue Jays
  78. Reds
  79. White Sox
  80. Brewers
  81. Rays (for failure to sign ‘09 second rounder Kenny Diekroeger)
  82. Cubs
  83. Rays
  84. Mariners
  85. Tigers
  86. Braves
  87. Twins
  88. Rangers
  89. Marlins
  90. Giants
  91. Cardinals
  92. Rockies
  93. Phillies
  94. Dodgers
  95. Red Sox
  96. Angels
  97. Yankees
  98. Supplemental Third Round

  99. Blue Jays (for failure to sign ‘09 third rounder Jake Barrett)
  100. White Sox (for failure to sign ‘09 third rounder Bryan Morgado)
  101. Angels (for failure to sign ‘09 third rounder Josh Spence)