MLB & Pirates
방송국과 새로운 계약체결
2010. 3. 27. 20:29
The minimum 150 regular-season games that will be televised on FSN Pittsburgh in 2010 marks an all-time high by the station, which has been televising the Pirates since 1986. All telecasts will be shown in high definition.
"FSN has been a valued partner of the Pirates for more than 25 years, and we are excited to continue to build upon that outstanding partnership," Pirates president Frank Coonelly said in a release. "FSN's increased commitment to bring a record number of Pirates games to our fans -- all in high definition -- speaks to the strength of that partnership and FSN's commitment to the great Pirate fans throughout our home territory. We are extremely excited to be able to provide Pirate fans with nearly every regular season game, more Spring Training games and year-round programming focused on the club, its players and the many events that we have in the community.
"FSN Pittsburgh plans to provide additional Pirates programming throughout the year as well. The "Inside Pirates Baseball" segment will continue to be a fixture, as well as the live pregame and postgame shows. Planned offseason programming includes a monthly Hot Stove show and coverage of Pirates Caravan and PirateFest. Four Spring Training games will also be on the yearly schedule.
벅스가 FSN과 새로운 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 계약으로 피츠버그지역에서는 매시즌마다 적어도 150경기를 중계한다고 합니다.
이로써 예전처럼 NHL의 피츠버그 펭귄스가 스텐리컵이 진출하더라도 벅스경기가 방송없이 치뤄지는 경우는 없어지거나 줄어들거 같네요.
더군다나 이런 장기계약을 맺으면 구단 페이롤이 조금 더 유통적이기때문에 팀으로써도 이득이 될거 같네요.